Wednesday, November 22, 2006

67 Potato Chips 03

Finally got some time to squeeze in this one. Few improvements made from all the comments I got from everyone. A million thanks!! But there are questions too. Some dun understand the meaning of this or y i do it. Well, it's all just for fun, and since blogger gave another account so y not get another blog. It also gives a chance for everyone to see how I'm doing in HK. Although I might not hit 67 here, so more might come when I get back to hall, which in other words, might lead to an expansion of this idea. But who knows, THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Chip No 2

Well, some might have found it on youtube, some here. Kudos if you find it. But it's beginner level lah. Should come up with harder stuff next time.

Also, tagboard n counter coming up.

Anyways, here's the 2nd Chip for all of u.

67 Potato Chips